one of the most interesting relationships in your lives is the one that you share with your boss. Be it reporting late to office or performance at the workplace, nothing escapes the employer's attention. It would be quite apt to say then, that the 'boss' is perhaps one of the most discussed persons in any corporate organisation. The places of discussion may vary though. It could be in the boardroom, in the cafeteria or near the watercooler. Someone once said that there are no bad bosses, just difficult ones. And whichever way you perceive your boss - as the all encompassing authority or as the monster in pinstripes - you must try not to strain the employer-employee symbiosis. the 3 most golden rules to follow are : Rule-1 The Boss is always right. Rule-2 If the Boss is wrong, see rule 1. Rule-3 When the Bosses talk about improving productivity, They are never talking about themselves working hard. one more thing that will help you when u r in office- never go h...